My three meaning full mitzvot assignment

In this project we had to choose three mitzvot that we felt related to me.


The mitzvah I have selected is… Not to stand by idly when a human life is in dange. The meaning of this mitzvah is… If someone is in danger standing around doing nothing is not okay you should go to them and help them. I think this mitzvah is important because… It shows care towards others. People can’t survive on their own all the time. It’s very important that there are people there to help. Most of the time it is very good to take action and aid others when in need. This mitzvah can impact my life and the lives of others because… It makes you feel more safe because. You can be sure that there is always someone there to support you in rough times. 


The mitzvah I have selected is…Not to carry tales. The meaning of this mitzvah is…To not spread rumors about others or tell other people something private someone else shared with you.I think this mitzvah is important because… if you have an important person in your life and they intrust you with information and you tell that to someone else, that shows you are not trustworthy. Not spreading rumors is a very good quality and will make more people want to be around you. This mitzvah can impact my life and the lives of others because… The impact for me can be very big. I do not spread rumors and if I did people would not trust me and People would not want to tell me things.


The mitzvah I have selected is… To not take revenge. The meaning of this mitzvah is… Even if someone hurts you mentally, physically, or emotionally trying to get them back for it will not make you feel any better in fact it will only make you feel worse. I think this mitzvah is important because…  If people tried to get others back for everything the world would constantly be in chaos. Doing something that made you feel hurt in any way and inflicting that same act back. What does that do for you? All it does is make someone else feel pain and eventually will make you feel very guilty. This mitzvah can impact my life and the lives of others because… It helps us learn how to act so we don’t hurt anyone. It also will help your mental health.


smart goals


I need to improve on collaboraition inititiave behavior in class

Initiative for me is a problem because alot of the time I need to be forced to do my homework. Then I end up doing it last minute and if it is studying for a quiz or test it is a big problem. I can improve on this by making sure I know all the work I have to do by checking my agenda and homework board daily. In the end this is an essential skill and I hope to complete this as soon as I can.

My behavior in certain classes is deffinetly not the best I call out alot and I converse with my freinds alot during class this is the reason I  like working alone. I will change this by finding somthing else to occupy my brain so I am not destruptive at the same time still paying enough attention that I understand whats going on. An example could be to draw quietly when I am not 100% interested in the material.

When I work in groups I tend to be bossy and controlling I am told this by people often. In general I dont like working in groups because I like my ideas and don’t like using other peoples ideas. This is a big issue and I know it. I also know that I will at somepoint need to work in a group. I can fix this by trying other peoples ideas and not be so quick to judge.

Academics the goals I have chosen for this are not things I need to improve on but would like to.

French is something that I would like to improve on for two reasons one is one of the schools I would like to go to I need to speak french fluantly the other reason is it will serve very usefull throughout my life. I will accomplish this by continuing french duolingo and speak more at home. My dad and Mr. P can help me with this.

English is one of my stronger subjects but my spelling and actual handwriting need improvment. I want to improve these things because they are both very usefull and neccecary also, they will be very important later in my life especally university. I can do this by keeping track of my handwriting and looking at my progression. In terms of spelling practicing with worksheets helps also looking at words I dont know how to spell and practicing those is another good way of doing it. I think a quiet space alone will be best for this.

Math is a subject that I don’t struggle with but I want to still learn more I want to get better at showing my work because even if I am right I have trouble explaining it in a way that other people understand. I can improve this by trying different ways of expaining my work and seeing which one makes the most sense. All I need is a worksheet to practice on and a quite space.

innovation day reflection



One of the biggest obstacles for our group was the positioning of the tracks

It took us so long to figure out the right positioning luckily after a lot of trial and error we managed to finally get it right. Another obstacle was the thing that we were building was very hard for all of us to work on it at the same time so we decided that two people would write and one person would build and the person building would switch after a certain amount of time. 



We think that the maglev train will work because there are real maglev trains in real life. In Japan there is one of the only maglev trains in the world. It is also the fastest maglev train in the world right now. 




how can we provide electricity to outdoor spaces in an energy efficient way for families to enjoy even once the sun begins to set?



Our group used magnetic tape, cardboard, hot glue, wood, double sided tape and duct tape.



I think that our group did a very good job on our project, but I think we spent too much time arguing instead of problem solving.